
“New & Full Moon Energy … Can’t Sleep!”

“Good morning, Ellen. I am just reading your Facebook post from yesterday about the New Moon in Scorpio. I did not sleep a wink last night. I am a mess. I usually sleep fine. This has happened two nights now in the last week. I am guessing it has to do with some of the energy I am currently feeling but wanted to reach out and see if you have any insight on this. I hope you are well.”
— Anonymous

“Yes, the energy can be felt more intensely if aspects in your birth chart align with the new/full moon signs. New Moon in Scorpio … and you’re a Scorpio, right? So you’re more likely to ‘feel’ this one. Sometimes it means we are needing to further integrate the themes which are being highlighted or played out by the new/full moon energy. You’re experiencing some sort of ‘awakening’ process around those themes, and how they show up in your life.

“The laying awake at night really sucks; I can attest to that too. At new/full moon, I place a large piece of moonstone under my pillow at night; and sometimes carry a smaller stone in my pocket during the day. Google moonstone’s symbolism and applications. If you’d like to buy a piece, stop by Cast A Stone in Abington, or The Village Silversmith in Salem, if you happen to travel north; both have online ordering, too, and Village Silversmith is pretty extensive.

“If you’d like to take it a step further, consider a reading with an astrologist … I’d be happy to recommend someone local. Hang in there, and I hope you can get some quiet time or a power nap today!”
— Ellen


“Owl Sign Appearing Over And Over … And Happening A Lot!”

I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction to determine the meaning of the sign of an owl appearing over and over — and happening a lot! I read a little online that it could be a sign of death or a spiritual message. I haven’t seen any real owls, just pictures keep popping up on TV, books, ornaments, a toy eraser, kids homework, just to name a few.
— Anonymous

“I usually tell people to google ‘animal totem owl’ or any other animal which keeps popping up. You’re right, it tends to be a sign from that animal totem or from a loved one who has passed away.

“Another suggestion is to sit in quiet contemplation or meditation. Ask Owl Spirit to join you and share her message. Be specific. Ask her for more signs. She will show general signs with general meanings, perhaps over the course of three or four days; this usually precipitates a bigger message, meaning or event — where you’ll have an ‘ah-hah’ type of moment. Meanwhile, you’ll notice several other signs and synchronicities which correspond.

“The Universe — your Soul, God, angels or whatever you feel comfortable calling that great Source — has many, many ways of communicating with us. Sounds like it’s got your number! Listen with your heart. You can never mistake the voice of Love.

“And have fun doing it!”
— Ellen


“I Saw A Silver Butterfly … Is It A Sign? A Message?”

“Last night when coming home I noticed a beautiful silver butterfly on my front door. It was so lovely I stopped to admire it for a while and took a picture. The butterfly then fluttered away. This morning I was getting ready in my bathroom and the same butterfly (it looked exactly the same) was dead on the floor. Is this some kind of message? Do you think it means anything?”
— Anonymous

“I believe the butterfly carries a message for you about life and death — and then rebirth. Take a look at events or circumstances in your life which appear to be ending right now. What’s coming to a close? Do you notice anything cycling back through your life, again, for reexamination? Or has something recently come full circle? I feel that certain life events are coming to a close for you — after which you will experience transition — even perhaps transformation — or a rebirth of sorts. Try to embrace the changes in your life and enjoy the journey!”
— Ellen


“In My Dreams I Was Told To Smoke And Salt The Bathrooms. I Took The Smoke For Saging. Any Idea What The Salt Means?”

“In my dreams I was told to smoke and salt the bathrooms. I took the smoke for saging. Any idea what the salt means?”
— Anonymous

“Yes, that makes sense; your dream guides are giving you good advice. Energy can accumulate in any room and feel heavy, stuck or stagnant — especially if you’re sensitive. In fact, spirits are drawn to bathrooms due to the running water; water is a conductor, and it can feed their energy.

“Sage or palo santo can be used for smudging. Sage is a dried herb; palo santo a sacred wood. Both can be burned — the smoke, combined with your intention or prayer, is effective at clearing energies. Palo santo has a lighter, sweeter scent if you are sensitive to smells (sage can smell a little like marijuana). Look on eBay or Etsy.

“Salt can be placed in a little bowl in a room for cleansing. Or you can sprinkle it in the corners of a room. Discard the salt after you feel it has had the desired effect. Alternatively, you can mix salt with water in a bottle and spray the room. Refer to the following website for more details:

“I generally recommend clearing your home once every six months. But I encourage you to be the barometer: If the energy feels thick in your home, or you notice the presence of new spirit energies, then it’s a sign to re-smudge your space.”
— Ellen


“I Keep Finding Coins All Over My House. Does This Mean Anything?”

“I keep finding coins all over my house. Does this mean anything?”
— Anonymous

“Yes. They are signs that your angels and departed loved ones are with you, encouraging you, and expressing their love for you. Coins, feathers, rainbows; repeating number sequences, songs on the radio; blinking lights; the scent of roses when there are none; even the animal kingdom, like a cardinal or butterflies, popping up again and again. Also notice messages on street signs, billboards, license plates. All ‘hugs from heaven.'”
— Ellen


“OMG! Guides? Spirits? They Wouldn’t Let Me Sleep Last Night …”

“OMG! Guides? Spirits? They wouldn’t let me sleep last night. I heard a loud buzzing in my ear. Couldn’t understand what anyone was saying. Someone actually smacked me upside the head and yelled at me though. I heard my name loud and clear. Is this going to be typical? I feel like they’re being impatient with me. Very strange.”
— Anonymous

“Some things to keep in mind: What you are experiencing is normal during a ‘spiritual awakening’ — and while your spiritual or ‘psychic’ senses develop. An awakening is not necessarily easy, smooth or beautiful. Although the outcome will be. But remember nothing is perfect. And nobody is perfect.

“You must learn to work with your spirit guides. Write up some guidelines. Tell them you’d prefer it if they didn’t keep you up at night. Remember they are your peeps. They love you and want what’s best for you. Ask them to be more patient. In turn, try to be patient with them. The process. If they can’t speak to you in the middle of the night (wink), then when can they? Could you set up a time to meditate? And journal? So they know they can communicate with you during that time? That’s ultimately what they’re asking for.

“Believe me, my first awakening was the same way. It was a roller coaster. It will eventually settle down.

“Here’s where angels come into play. Ask the angels to help you have a smooth awakening. Open gradually to your spiritual gifts. Establish boundaries. Experience peace and happiness throughout the whole process.

“Finally, make sure you ask your spirit guides direct questions, like ‘What do you want?’ and ‘What are the next steps I should take?’ Then, make some solid requests, like ‘Please communicate with me in ways I can understand. Please give me time to digest all of this.’

“Your spirit messaging may feel a little ‘mixed up’ right now, as your spiritual gifts develop. Give it some time. Trust the process. Ask for clarity.”
— Ellen


“I Keep Getting Warm Rushes Of Energy Around My Left Ankle And Leg. What Is It?”

“So I’m interested in your opinion. I keep getting these warm rushes of energy around my left ankle on the outside of my leg. It’s been happening for like two weeks now. What do you think that is?”
— Anonymous

“I’d suggest reading ‘The Everything Guide To Angels’ by Karen Paolino, a book that explains the spiritual — or ‘psychic’ — senses, one of which is clairsentience.

“You are experiencing clairsentience — the warm rushes of energy around your ankle and leg — or communication through your psychic sense of feeling (similar to the physical sense of touch).

“Your angels and spirit guides are beginning to communicate with you. They will develop your clairsentience first; eventually, perhaps, moving on to develop your clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance — or the psychic senses that work best for communications between you and your team in spirit.

“Psychic communication is available to everyone — though unique to everyone. Meaning, every person has different strengths. For example, I’ve always felt clairaudience and clairvoyance are my strongest spiritual senses.

“So, my friend, best for you to read up on the psychic senses. And communicate back! Let your guides know if you like it. If you like it, ask them to give you more. They will. So, you may feel a hand on your shoulder; or someone touch your hair. My favorite is the full-body hug: a shiver or full-body tingle that runs from the top of my head to my tippy-toes.

“Soon you’ll grow accustomed to it, and also have fun with it, which is ultimately the goal: developing your psychic senses, while at the same time developing a relationship with your spiritual team.

“Eventually, in time, and when you feel comfortable, you could begin asking them yes/no questions. Then decide what means ‘yes,’ and what means ‘no.’

1.) Head bobbing — My angels/guides like to nod my head for yes, and shake my head for no.
2.) The sway test — In a standing position, your body will sway forward for yes and backward for no.
3.) Pendulum method — Hold a crystal pendulum (or a special piece of jewelry, like your ring) on a chain, ask your question, and then see if it swings front-to-back for yes; side-to-side for no.

“The sway test is very handy in the grocery store. ‘Dearest angels and guides, what’s best for me to eat for dinner tonight: Turkey or beef?’ Then say, ‘Turkey,’ and feel a nudge forward, meaning yes; or say, ‘Beef,’ and feel a nudge back for no.

“You can ask them questions about anything! Little decisions to big moves — our angels and guides love it when we ask. The more you practice asking about little things, the easier it is to trust when it comes to the big things, you know?

“Always remember to say thank you, as the information is gifted to them — from God, Creator or Universe — and then passed on to us.

“Finally, before you attempt any spirit communication, please invoke the protection of the Divine by asking your angels and spirit guides to surround you with a bubble of God’s divine white light of protection.”
— Ellen


“I Have A Bad Feeling About My Friend. Should I Tell Her?”

“I got a message last night about my friend, and it wasn’t good. I had a feeling that there would be a car accident. Was I dreaming or do I need to tell her?”
— Anonymous

“Ask your angels and guides for validation. And also ask them to show you signs if you’re supposed to share the message with your friend. I receive a lot of prophetic information. Sometimes it’s for me to share; sometimes it’s simply for me to know (and, perhaps, say a prayer). Ultimately you decide whether to share or not. Another thing to keep in mind: Sometimes prophetic information does come to fruition. Yet other times, the energy shifts, or the circumstances change, and it doesn’t pan out. That’s why you need to ask your angels and guides for assistance with receiving and potentially delivering prophetic info. Remember that prophetic information is a gift — encouraging us to ‘be aware.’ Not ‘beware.’ But to be more aware. And to enjoy greater awareness.”
— Ellen


“Is It A Sign? Synchronicity?”

“I met this guy at work, and I felt an instant attraction, I believe for both of us. Do you feel there’s a reason why he has asked me to be one of his LinkedIn buddies? Is it a sign?”
— Anonymous

“Let me ask you. Do you feel there’s a greater reason? Trust your initial feeling — your gut reaction. Yes, it’s your intuition delivering a message or a sign. Sometimes the universe can serendipitously line things up for us that feel like ‘chance’ to us but are really simply meant to be. Destiny.”
— Ellen


“My Husband Heard Voices …”

“I wanted to share the news of our ‘house guests.’ A couple weeks ago, my son had a rough day, and that night I decided to sleep with him in his bed. My husband passed by the bedroom door and, after hearing conversation in the room, came in to see how we were and say we should get some sleep. The next morning he told me both our son and I were clearly sleeping when he walked in, but he knows for certain there was some chatting going on in there! I guess I wasn’t the only one watching over him.”
— Anonymous

“Your husband must have been quite surprised! But it wasn’t ghosts he overheard. It was spirit guides belonging to you and your son. They were discussing your unique connection with your son, and how your relationship is expanding both on the physical plane and also within the spiritual realm. Your sensitivity and his have been ‘turned up,’ so to speak. You’re probably seeing subtle changes in his behavior, like maybe he’s a little more emotional lately. Maybe you’ve noted the same sensitivity in yourself, even had a couple of headaches or another sign. It’s nothing to worry about; there’s just a lot going on energetically, right now. Big shifts of energy within the larger universal flow. Your spirit guides, who are always with you, watching over you and guiding you, are excited for what the great shift in energy will mean for you and your son. We all will play a part in it, each of us with a unique role. There are big changes coming for all of us as we progress toward a more enlightened way of living, globally and universally. I hope I haven’t overwhelmed you, but just wanted to reassure you that it’s not a new haunting!”
— Ellen